A single mum, her daughter
and a boy steal a mobile library – David Whitehouses book „Mobile
Library could almost be summarized like a bad joke, as absurd but
also unique the scenario is in which his characters find each other.
Bobby Nusku is the child of a loveless father and wants to find his
best friend whom he made a cyborg, Rosa Reed has trisomy 21, Valerie,
Rosas mother, instantly feels responsible for that strange boy her
daughter likes so much and who treats her daughter just like everyone
else. She wants to protect him from his father, and when the mobile
library she cleans one a week is about to be shut down, the three of
them sense an adventure: They steal the bus and go on a wild road
trip across Great Britain, the police always upon their heels.
Most of all things,
“Mobile library” fascinates with its blunt take on real problems
that lot of people like to turn a blind eye to, be it problems that
come with disabilities, bullying, abuse or suddenly losing your job
which can happen to anyone. David Whitehouse knows his craft: he puts
all this off-putting truths in a contrast to beautiful fantasies, to
the fact that you can lose yourself in stories and that they are able
to comfort and distract when it is truly needed. As direct and honest
this novel is, it just as well is a declaration of love to literature
and fantasy itself, so as a bookworm you can't help to fall in love
anew with thousands of classics and every book that ever meant
something to you. Due to the road trip through the UK, a smack of
adventure is added to this already pretty appealing mixture, making
this book a masterpiece well and truly.